Is there a specific surgical procedure to remove excess skin from your upper arms?

   — cj T. (posted on June 12, 2000)

June 12, 2000
Yes! It's called a brachioplasty. I had it done in March and I am *so* glad I did. I do have a long scar (armpit to elbow under each arm) but it is way inside the arm and really is not very visible. If I'm wearing something sleeveless I'll put Dermablend (a cover-up makeup) on it since the scars are still pink from the surgery. But the results are great and it was a fairly minor procedure. I was at the surgery center for about 4 hours total. I was home for three days. After that I wore an elastic "sleeve" compression garment for two weeks. Check out my arms (and the rest of me) on my profile. I'm really pleased with the results.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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