Need psychiatrist in Washington DC area who will aprrove for wls

Someone please help, have been approved by insurance company, cleared by doctor and pulmonary specialist, but because I have bi-polar need psychiatrist to clear me for surgery. This is so unfair. I went thru brain surgery and didn't need one. Does anyone know of a dr. who can set me up in a program fast as my date is/was July 24. Thanks-debi    — Deborah M. (posted on June 6, 2001)

June 6, 2001
Debi, I live in the NOVA area, and I needed a psych clearance from a pyschiatrist for my surgeon to approve my surgery. He wanted a pyschiatrist and not a pyschologist because I was taking Lithium for bi-polar. I called my insurance company (Aetna) and they paid for the session with my pyschiatrist (who prescribes my medications). If you have been diagnosed as bi-polar you should have a pyschiatrist already? Check w/your insurance company. I was fully prepared to pay the $200 fee for my psychiatrist because I figured I've spent thousands trying to lose weight and this is a drop in the bucket. But I was glad the insurance paid. There were so many roadblocks I had to move around to get my surgery, but 2 weeks after surgery I can tell you they were all worth it, even if they didn't all make sense to me. Laura
   — laura T.

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