Should I crush Vicodin and Soma up to get the full effect?

I have been taking vicodin es and soma muscle relaxers for severe lower back pain for three years. I am hoping as I lose more weight the pain will subside but until it does should I be crushing them to get the full effect? I have to break my vicodin in half so its smaller to swallow but not the soma. Would it get into my system easier if I crush them, as much as I hate the taste it seems they are working less and less. I know I have built up a tolerance to them and have an appt with a neurosurgeon on nov 26th but until then any suggestions? Thx gang! XOXO    — Renee D. (posted on September 25, 2001)

September 25, 2001
I take vicodin also. And I have to cut them in half. I have wondered the same question - but just as you, I put off crushing them because of the taste. However, My sleeping pill is small enough to go down, but it doesn't work like it did pre-op, so when I crush it, it works like it did before. If you can stand the taste - thats what I would do.
   — K T.

September 25, 2001
As far as I am aware from Nursing school all medication is absorbed in the intestinal tract. As for crushing meds, i believe that some medication can cause ulcers and stomach upset in NORMAL people. As for gastric bypass people I think you should have your doctor field this questio. You wouldn't want ulcers to develope on the stoma from the meds.
   — rose B.

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