Stopping Montezuma's revenge!

Help! I'm 6 weeks post-op, and just finished a 2 week course of antibiotic (Keflex) for an incision infection (now healed.) It left me with the most horrible case of diarrhea. I am taking immodium every day, and acidophulis tablets and yogurt, etc. I am drinking like a fiend to avoid dehydration. Doc says it will stop on its own, but it's been 5 days. Does anyone know what else I can do? Any sure-fire home remedies for "hinder binder?"    — Nancy G. (posted on September 28, 2001)

September 28, 2001
There is something called BRAT. Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. Those are sure fire ways to stop the runs. but be very careful with rice and bread. I would say try the bananas and applesauce only. Good luck.
   — Kathy H.

September 28, 2001
On the bananas; I was told by a doc long ago that they needed to be really RIPE bananas.. almost ready for banana bread ripe. The greener bananas can actually cause loose bowel movements. A word of caution though; the riper the fruit, the more natural sugar there is... it COULD cause a dumping episode if you're especially sensitive.
   — BethVBG

September 28, 2001
It is possible that you have C-diff you would need to have a stool speciman taken it is actually common after a course of antibiotics
   — [Anonymous]

September 29, 2001
Hi I have always had loose stools...such joy huh! well anyway my doctor told me that imodium just masks it and to use some form of fiber she had me on citricel and that worked fine but then I found FIBER CHOICE at walmart and that works gret..I chew a half a one and it works great I'm now down to a quarter of one every can buy a small package at CVS, BROOKS, walmart...but walmart also has a big container..good luck with this is such a pain in the ........Sharon
   — Sharon F.

September 30, 2001
Hi there I am 1 year post op and still have diarrhea. My Dr perscribed QUESTRIAN Powder which I take every nite in applesauce. Its what I call my crap so I won't crap O:)
   — Carol M.

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