I want to hear from people who have had sucessful VBG's.

I have read so much negative press on the VBG that I'm starting to get down about the decision to have had it(for health reasons the RNY isn't an option). It seems as if everything posted is negative and they keep saying how it doesn't work long tem, staples rupture, stomach stretching, etc. I'm starting to get paranoid everytime I eat more than I think I should. I would love to hear of stories from people who are happy that they had the VBG and are happy with their results. Thank you.    — Michelle J. (posted on October 26, 2001)

October 26, 2001
If you do your research thoroughly, you will find there are successess and failures with ALL of the WLS procedures. To get an unbiased look at VBG, and for accurate info, join us on the VBG list at will find hundreds of successful VBGers there. (By the way, I had my Open VBG 4 months ago....I've lost 95 lbs)
   — Cathy J.

October 27, 2001
You're right, there is so much negative press about the VBG and it's really not funny, nor fair. I know so many successful vbg'ers and I also know some failures. The failures are ones that resent the small amount they can eat and graze or push the envelope to eat more and stretch their pouches. They are those that can't eat slower, choose better foods, or chew well, vomit often and turn to high calorie drinks and junk foods that don't require much chewing. Self defeat. I made a pact with myself that that would NOT be me! I value my pouch, eat slow, choose good foods and chew well. When I feel full I stop. Almost a year post and NO VOMITTING! NO BLOCKAGES! AND, I have lost 100% of my excess! <p> As far as staple line breakdown's....out of almost 2000 cases, my surgeon has encountered about 1% of those. Seems pretty minute to me. <p> I have been in the WLS community for over a year and belong to support groups with BOTH rny and vbg and let me tell you something....some of the rny's in my group ARE regaining and are dieting and are scared because they were told this was forever and they are finding out it's not. Alot of them are ones who were relying on dumping to stop them from eating sugar and they never did dump. These are people who are 2-3 years post op and are now eating as I do except some of them have triple anemia and severe vitamin deficiencies now and I don't. My procedure can be reversed if I ever, heaven forbid, want....they can't.......In all my research for the 3 years pre-op the VBG was my surgery of choice and I'm glad I did. DON'T listen to the negative nellies in this world. Do as Cathy said and come to the vbg list and meet hundreds of successfull vbg'ers. HUGS and much luck! I am copying this post in the event that the moderators once again delete a message I wrote.......
   — Jo (Part 2) C.

October 27, 2001
Michelle, Just as Jo said, there are successes and failures with all surgeries. You have to go with the surgery that is best for YOU. If there are medical or personal reasons to NOT have an RNY, you should not let that stop you from pursuing a VBG. My aunt had her VBG almost 20 years ago and has maintained her 150 pound loss. I'm 17 months post op from VBG. I'm down about 142 pounds. I've passed my surgeon's goal weight, and I'm less than 10 pounds from my personal goal weight. Hang in there.
   — BethVBG

October 31, 2001
I just wanted to thank those of you who responded, it helped me a lot to hear some good things for a change. I've gone to the yahoo site that was mentioned, but couldn't find anywhere to click to join, if anyone could invite me that would be great. My Yahoo log-in is jonesma23. Thanks again for all the help and support.
   — Michelle J.

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