I hear about breathing exercises before surgery?

Hi everyone! Guess what, I should have a surgery date by the end of the week!!! Anyway, I hear that some people do breathing exercises before surgery that may prevent their lungs from collapsing. What are they? Thanks!!    — emilyfink (posted on April 29, 2002)

April 29, 2002
Congrats on getting a date soon! Before surgery I would practice whenever I would think about it. I would take several deep breaths and hold the last one for 10 seconds. They want you to breathe deep after surgery and I think this helped. Good luck and happy losing!
   — wilkywanch

April 29, 2002
Hi, at my pre-op education class we were told to buy some balloons and blow them up....good breathing exercise. Good luck and congrats to you! - Anna
   — Anna L.

April 29, 2002
When I went in for my pre-op I met with the staff from occupational therapy. I was required to do breathing exercises several times a day prior to surgery to build up my lungs before surgery. It really helped me after my surgery.
   — dolphins94

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