On my right side just under the rib cage I get a cramping achy feeling.

I only get this at night or when I'm just sitting around watching tv. I feel fine the rest of the time. I've only noticed this for about the last week, I have called my doctor but have not heard back yet. It can't be the gallbladder because I had it removed at the same time as surgery. Anyone have any ideas what this could be? Open RNY 3-12-02 11 weeks po down 61 lbs    — Alison N. (posted on May 29, 2002)

May 29, 2002
Hi there, I am not sure if it is the same pain I felt but If it is like a little burning pain it is a muscle healing. At least that is what they told me it went away at about 13 weeks. Good Luck.
   — swtnsxy0219

June 3, 2002
Alison, I think it is your gallbladder, or the lack of it that is causing the discomfort. I had my gallbladder out with my wls also and had quite a bit of pain under my right rib cage. Your gallbladder sits under your liver and the docs have to do much moving around to get to it. Causes lots of soreness that can take months to resolve. If it gets worse, give your doc a call
   — Margie W.

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