I am having horrible lower back pain , any ideas?

I am 3 and a half months out and havent had any problems yet. But for the last two weeks I have had horrible lower back pain. The pain is almost unbearable. Could this be WLS related? I am a little over three months out and down 87 pounds. THANK YOU for any help!    — Shannon L. (posted on July 1, 2002)

July 1, 2002
Is the pain on one side or the other. It could be kidney stones. I've had them both before and after WLS and they can be VERY painful.
   — Gail M.

July 1, 2002
I went through this , and I think it was the weight-loss, and my back adjusting....
   — Karen R.

July 1, 2002
Horrible pain -- for two weeks? Call your doctor immediately. None of us can guess what all the reasons are for severe lower back pain -- but some of the possible reasons -- including appendicitis, bowel obstuction, hernia, ulcers, kidney or liver dysfunction -- can be extremely serious if not addressed immediately. This isn't the resource to address "horrible pain" with a two week duration... your doctor is. (in my opinion).
   — Karen F.

July 1, 2002
I agree you should check with your doctor. But I also have some suggestions that helped me with back pain (it was probably moderate pain). 1) Use an aspercreme or Ben Gay type product - but be careful some of them STINK! 2)If you have a hubby or friend that is willing, have them rub your lower back for a bit 3)Use a heating pad
   — sheltie

July 1, 2002
If your Dr. rules out everything else, go to your Chiropractor. After losing so much weight so fast your back probably needs adjusting.
   — YvonneBryant

July 1, 2002
I am also 3 1/2 months post op, I would wonder if you might have a bladder or kidney infection. Bring a urine sample into the dr. to rule that out. Call Dr. and let he or she know about your back pain. You can take tylenol, but no ibuprofen. Good luck!
   — Tammy B.

July 1, 2002
Any chance at all that you could be pregnant???
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 2, 2002
I had the exact same experience beginning at 5 mos post op. Every time I ate I had terrible pain, low back, both sides of my spine. Doc sent me for an ultrasound of my gallbladder and that was the problem. I have gall stones and that's where my pain is coming from although most people get pain in the front from gall bladder. You should go to your doctor and let them check you out. Good luck.
   — Sheila R.

July 8, 2002
Hi Shannon, is your abdomen starting to hang more?? The pull on your back from a pani could be causing the pain. If that is it, I would suggest you try a panty girdle. It will help to hold your abdomen in place and decrease the stress on your back. I needed to do this for a few months and it REALLY helped. I would suggest that even if you do not think your abdomen is hanging much, try it, you might be amazed at how the body changes affect your posture.
   — Vicki L.

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