How did people with history of slow healing fair after gastric surgery?

I have a history of slow healing and am concerned about slow healing after this surgery---hoping to have open RNY. Also fear infection. I am diabetic--not insulin dependent. I also fear having to have gall bladder sugery later if it is not removed at the time of the gastric surgery. Would like to hear from people who have had similar experiences prior to gastric surgery and how they did after their gastric surgery. How long can I realistically expect to be off work. My BMI is 65.    — Pam B. (posted on November 29, 2002)

November 29, 2002
Pam, It doesn't matter whether you take insulin or not. The reason for the slow healing could be that your blood sugars were not in good control. The most important thing you can do is get them into excellent control before your surgery and make sure that they are also well controlled post-op. That will make the healing go better. I have Type 1 diabetes, so I do take insulin, but did not have a problem healing from either my first surgery (done lap) or the 2nd one two months later (done open). I did have an excellent endocrinologist keeping track of my sugars and my insulin doses. There's no doubt in my mind that it helped a great deal. Good luck!
   — garw

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