Can I have my last dinner at my favorite restaurant the evening before surgery?

   — april-michele D. (posted on December 15, 2002)

December 15, 2002
This is a question for your surgeon. Some surgeons require you to be on liquid diets for 2 or 3 days prior to your surgery. Others want you to do a bowel prep the day before. Others just say not to eat or drink after midnight. You do want to do whatever the surgeon says. Otherwise your surgery might be cancelled.
   — garw

December 15, 2002
You may be better off to do it a few days before surgery! My surgeon required a liquid diet for the last 24 hours. But thankfully NO bowel preps. :) Even if you can eat up until midnight, do you think all that stuff in our colens would be good during our surgery? If you can eat up until midnight seems it would be good to eat as light as you can. Enjoy your big feast a few days away. :)
   — Danmark

December 15, 2002
It will be better for you to eat lightly from 12 noon the day before and nothing after midnight. Eat your favorite meal a few days before so you can enjoy it and not wonder if there will be a reaction. Good luck to you. LAP-RNY October 8th down 56.
   — Steve B.

December 15, 2002
I agree with the previous posters. My surgeon allows eating and drinking until midnight the night before surgery, but the nutritionist said that it is best to eat lightly that night. She suggested having the "last supper" two nights before surgery.
   — Beth S.

December 15, 2002
I would do your last dinner 2-3 nights before surgery and eat light the day of.
   — Shavonne P.

December 15, 2002
I would do your last dinner 2-3 nights before surgery and eat light the day before surgery.
   — Shavonne P.

December 15, 2002
First, find out your doctor's requirements and follow them exactly. Now, my doctor required a clear liquid diet the day before surgery. So I had my last supper the night before that - wasn't what I wanted. I ended up having Papa John's Pizza because of an 8" snowfall and that was the only place that would deliver to the motel. Not a big deal, though because I can eat most anything I want now. What I don't want is sweets and fried foods - have totally lost my taste for them.
   — Patty_Butler

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