Has anyone taken Chromium Piclonate after rny surgery?

I once heard that Chromium Piclonate was good for muscle tone while losing weight. Was curious if anyone has ever taken this?    — april-michele D. (posted on January 1, 2003)

December 31, 2002
April, My doctor acutally told me to take it post op, He advised me to take 400 mg which would be about 1 capsule 2 times a day, I'm not really sure of the reason why, and for some reason didn't even bother to ask my surgery doctor why I needed to take it. I just take it, Ya know dot all my I's and cross my T's, I'll do some research on it and get back with you on it. Post op 7 months and down 103 pounds
   — tannedtigress

January 3, 2003
Becareful.. I took that and got terrible headaches. I think I found out about the headaches from I had migraines for days.
   — Shannon R.

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