?? about new liquid calcium- want your advice/input

I found a liquid calcium at wal-mart the other day. It's called liquid calcium 3 and it's from Drinkables liquid supplements. It has 1200 mg of calcium from a combo of calcium maleate, calcium citrate and tricalcium phosphate (600-200-400mg respectfully). it also has mag citrate 600mgm zinc 4mg, manganese gluconate 2mg, & vit d3 400iu.Has anyone tried this? It doesn't taste very good. The flavor is supposed to be vanilla bean, but it's the worst vanilla bean I've ever had! But if it works, i'll try it! I was wondering what all of you thought about the contents as my surgeon doesn't have a clue about citrate vs carbonate. I want to make sure i'm taking whats effective for me. Thanks all of you- you're great!    — Jen S. (posted on January 19, 2003)

January 19, 2003
Most doctors dont have the correct info on citrate versus carbonate... my best answer is that they were paying attention to the classes on cutting and found the nutrition classes boring. Anyhow... how much is one dose of your liquid calcium, just one or two tablespoons? Once you gak through this bottle try a good tasting one... called tropical oasis calcium magnesium... you can buy online at It is delicious, tastes like fresh orange yogurt, and we just take a tablespoon each night. I keep my bottle in the fridge and take it before going to bed. So... it tastes good, I dont have to take much, and it is the correct calcium that can be absorbed by my body...taa daa. To absorb calcium carbonate there has to be stomach acid present and after RNY we dont have stomach acid.
   — SusanMaria

January 19, 2003
Jen and Susan, be very careful of the liquid calciums. I used to take the one from tropicaloasis too until someone clued me in on the actual amount of calcium in the product. You see, we only absorb elemental calcium (and don't ask me what elemental is..heck if I know). So I asked tropicaloasis, out of the 750 mg of citrate the product has, how much was elemental, and it turned out to be 250 mg. So, in order to get in your 1000-1500 mg a day, guess how many tablespoons?? I switched to a 500 mg capsule sold by Its made my Nature's Science so you may be able to find it elsewhere, and it is elemental calcium.
   — Cindy R.

January 22, 2003
I took that stuff once, and I will never do it again! It burned when it hit my pouch, and it tasted horrible!
   — fropunka

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