Could I have a SLD?

I am 15 months post op (Open RNY) and have maintained my current weight for the past few months. In November, I had a blockage. I ate too fast and didn't chew properly. I was actually on my way to the hospital to get scoped when it came up on its own. When I threw it up, it felt like it came from my toes it was so violent. (Sorry, only way I can explain it. It was different from when we eat too much) Since then, it seems like I have been able to eat more and not stay as full as long. Before, I could eat about a 1/2 a chicken breast and a few bites of a side dish (like rice or noodles). Now, I can eat the whole breast and about a 1/2 cup of a side dish. Then about an hour to 1.5 hours later, I could eat again. If I do, I try and have a protien bar or something along those lines. For lunches, I usually have a lean cuisine and before I would be 'full'to the point of being stuffed. Now, I'm not full and could easily eat something else. I never get that stuffed feeling anymore. Could this be a SLD or is my stoma opening enlarged to the food passes out faster? Could it just be a natural progression over time of the pouch stretching a little? Any ideas?    — Kris T. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 27, 2003
Hmm. It's hard to say if you have a staple line disruption. I know you said that you can eat more now, but it doesn't sound like you can eat A LOT of food. You ARE 15 months out so it very well could be just natural stretching of the pouch. I would call your surgeon to be sure!
   — fropunka

January 27, 2003
Without that one episode that you point out, I would have said that you are eating more because at 15 months you are supposed to, but since your ability to eat so much more was right on the heals of a blockage, perhaps there is something to it. Ask your doctor for an upper GI. Not only will that show you the size of the pouch, but should be able to see the stoma too. Do you know if you were transected? If you were, then it cannot be a SLD. If you don't know, call the surgeons office and ask.
   — Cindy R.

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