Pre Op & Sick All The Time, Nausea and Bowel Issues

I havent had surgery yet, but for the past year or so I have what i have always called "spells" where every so often out of the blue, I would suddenly become very sick to my stomach. I have to go to the bathroom for about 10-15 min and then it subsides! Its full fledged though....... dizziness, cold sweats and all!! Now it has gotten worse, and I get sick every time I eat something! Thats why I am up so late right now! MIDNIGHT! The "spells" have become longer and more dragged out! I have been fighting this "spell" since 7pm this evening! Does anyone know what could be the cause, and if so, is it something that would be considered a co-morbity?    — Tracy S. (posted on February 4, 2003)

February 4, 2003
This would be cramping & the D? Are you drinking milk? I had become lactose intolerant, didn't know, diagnosed as IBS for years. None of us figured out that it was 20-30 min after any meal, the only time I drank milk. Loved the stuff. Experimented by stopping milk, nothing. Started up again & bam, the cramping & D hit me like a freight train. My doc forbids milk post-op, but I realized I was lactose intolerant for sure, no kidding, a few days before surgery.
   — vitalady

February 4, 2003
Have you been checked for a bowel obstruction? That has similar sympthoms.
   — Delores S.

February 4, 2003
I was the same way. The Dr. said that it was IBS - irritable bowel syndrom. I got to the point where I didn't want to go shopping, because there was NO WAY that I could hold it. I hated having to use public rest rooms. The good news is, is that it went away completely after having surgery!!!! I felt sick everyday before surgery. Every single day. Life was no fun then. I would check with your Dr just to be safe though. Good luck to you!
   — Dana B.

February 4, 2003 too. It just comes on for no reason...doesn't matter what I eat, what time of day it is, where I'm at...I'm either throwing up know...Seems to be happening a lot the last 6 months, more so then before. I don't know. Pepto has become my morning coffee.
   — Renee B.

February 4, 2003
I too was diagnosed with IBS. I am three weeks post-op and experience some of the symptoms yesturday. I had to lay down for a couple of hours before it would go away.
   — Amy E.

February 5, 2003
I wouldn't speculate on a condition that is as "sickening" and disruptive to you life as this. Seek out a good gastroenterologist (used to work for one)...this could be any number of things...some very treatable with medication...not just IBS. I'd certainly try to get it at least diagnosed before IBS got considerably worse after surgery. So if it's that, be prepared! Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 5, 2003
Have you had your gallbladder checked. If you were one of my patients that is one of the first questions I would ask with the syptoms you are having, especially if the sypmtoms are worse after eating fatty fried foods or pork.
   — blank first name B.

February 5, 2003
Its funny that you ask about the gallbladder. When I was pregnant with my 2nd child I had severe pain one morning that felt like excrutiating gas pains. Went to the hosp. and the said i had galbladder disease. My OB said he would give me some meds for pain and such but i would have to wait til after my baby was born to have it treated or removed. he said he couldnt take it out during delivery beause it was too risky and he needed to get in and out as quickly as possible. (c-section) Anyway, i never had the prob again til about 3 years later. Went to a specialist and he ran a bunch of tests and said that yes i do have Gall Bladder disease but as far as gall stones he said that what i had in my gall bladder looked more like sand rather than stones. He sent me on my merry way. Never had an attach like that again. Its been almost 5 years since the last incident. Yes, i do need to get checked. As awful as it is, maybe it will work in favor as far as being a comorbity to put on the letter to the insurance co.! Got a call yesterday from the doc's office and my consult has been scheduled for 02/26/03!!! yeah!!
   — Tracy S.

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