I would like to know what the symptoms are of a stable line disruption.

   — Lori J. (posted on July 5, 2003)

July 5, 2003
From what i read, i think suddenly you are able to eat much more. I believe that is the main sympthom. Not sure tho. There is tons of info on this in the site library.
   — Delores S.

July 5, 2003
Hi, I'm not for sure, but from what I read and heard from other people who have had this prob, they were able to eat alot more at one time almost as like a normal person would be able to eat. I'm glad that hasn't happened to me , but if you are worried about that please have your surgeon do some tests to find out. Good Luck to you!
   — Melodee S.

July 5, 2003
Well, there is no pain, at least in my case. And the able to eat more happened gradually, not all at once. I still had some staples in tact so I basically had two openings into the lower stomach. Sometimes the food would "catch" on the portion that was still intact and I would have pretty bad nausea and vomitting. Of course, I didn't know what was going on. I didn't even know what a SLD was until I joined this site. I called my surgeon and he ordered both a barium swallow and an EDG. Those tests confirmed the SLD and luckily my insurance approved my revision. I had gained about 90-100 lbs back at the time of my revision.
   — Ali M

July 6, 2003
The only symptom I experienced was I quit losing and was able to eat twice as much as I could when it was intact. I did experience a slight amount of heart burn too. This was a new thing since I hadn't had ANY heartburn at all for 6 mos. Are you transected? I wish all surgeons would stop messing around and realize that SLD is very common and is a mechanical failure of not being transected. It would save us all a lot of heartache and TWO surgeries if they would just transect the first time! Sorry but this is a sore spot for me and I keep seeing it over and over again. I understand the disappointment and pain that one experiences with SLD. And it is sooooooo unnecessary. SLD is not our fault but the mechanical failure of the non transection. Good luck to you. Have an upper GI to find out if you have Upper GI.
   — Mylou52

July 7, 2003
I could not eat hugely more, but suddenly had a pouch full of acid.
   — vitalady

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