Anyone know how long until I can return to Curves after my RNY - lap?

As I did the circut today I tried to figure out which ones would pull on my stomach. My surgery is next week and I just wondered how long I would have to stay away.    — Gail L. (posted on August 23, 2003)

August 23, 2003
Just a guess, but I would think at least 6 weeks. Walking would be Ok, as soon as you are released from hospital, but trust me....You won't feel up to that type exercise for at least a month. Your body will be in recovery mode! lol You will be able to return once your strength does. Believe me..take advantage of your 1st month to recoup and try and get all your vits/protein/water in, that will keep you busy for the 1st month alone. Time will fly by and you will be hard at it again in no time. I walked a mile a day 7 days a week as soon as I returned home/increased to 2 miles a day by 3rd week. Now, I walk/jog/bike 5-8 miles a day and swim/water aerobics 3-5 days a week. Kick boxing will be added during the winter months. Lap Rny...2/11/03... -90 250/160/140Congratulations on upcoming surgery and Good Luck!
   — Hazel S.

August 23, 2003
My doc let me go back at 4 weeks, I was open, he said just dont do any heavy abdominal stuff- he felt that curves was low impact.
   — ~~Stacie~~

August 23, 2003
My doctor said 6 weeks I just started back at Curves this week. At ours you are supposed to do 3 times around the gym. I only did 2. The doctor's office had said to take it carfully when you started exercising, especially the adominal area. I decided that if I could only lift 5-10 lbs for 6 weeks, no vacuming, etc., I would ease into so I don't hurt myself and have to stop. Better safe than sorry and my goal it regular continuous exercise.
   — Helen C.

August 24, 2003
I am currently 10 weeks post op and joined Curves when I was 5 weeks post op. My dr would have preferred that I waited till 6 weeks, but I felt great so I went ahead. I just had my one month measure and am down 14.25 inches from my start date at Curves -- I love it. You go girl!
   — Nannette

August 24, 2003
I've had two surgeons tell me that in having the Lap procedure that there is no excuse not to be at a gym at 2wks.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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