Cost of surgery for self pay in Tulsa area and Dr. used?

   — bubbleboo K. (posted on November 6, 2003)

November 7, 2003
Sorry, I don't know the price for self-paying in Tulsa, but if you're interested in knowing how much I paid for my surgery in Spain, drop me a line, okay? You can also check out if you'd like. Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

November 7, 2003
I would think the best thing to do it research the doctors in your area who perform the surgery then simply call their offices and ask. That's what I did, I am self-pay as well, my surgery (LAP RNY) in Richmond, VA will cost $17,500.
   — Patricia T.

November 7, 2003
I should also add, that you should ask about how and when they want payment, I have to have mine paid in full before I pre-register at the hospital (2 weeks prior to surgery) Cash, Cashier's Check or Charge. You will most likely have to secure the funds, (take out a loan or what ever you need to do) before hand.
   — Patricia T.

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