Estrogen deficiency 3 years post op (not menopausal)

I'm 3 years post op and I've lost over 100 lbs to be at goal weight. For the past few months I've been having severe dryness and itching in a very private place. It feels like a yeast infection. However, I've been treated for a yeast infection using oral and topical meds and the symptoms persist. Now they are telling me this may be an Estrogen deficiency. I've researched Estrogen deficiencies caused by menopause and the symptoms seem consistent. I just wondered if anyone else had experienced this due solely to the weight loss. Are there blood tests they can do to determine this or is it all speculation? I hate to take hormones unless I really need them. I'm doing Evening Primrose Oil as a natural aid to hormone retention and it seems to help a smidge, but not enough. Any feedback would be great. Thanks in advance..... Kathryn    — kcanges (posted on July 28, 2004)

July 28, 2004
There are blood tests. You may want to ask your doctor about a natural replacement like Remifemin (Black Cohosh). This is recommended for women in menopause to ease symptoms of low estrogen. Your doc would know if it was appropriate for you. I also would be worried about estrogen replacement due to the side effects.
   — mom2jtx3

July 29, 2004
I had a hysterectomy at 34 years old and the doc tried to put me on hormone replacement therapy and it was terrible until somene told me about soy being a natural form of estrogen. There are alot of things that have soy in it. I take 9grams of soy a day and I do great! YOu might give it a try...good luck to you!
   — Gina Q.

July 30, 2004
I am almost 3 years post-op and have had problems with dryness/itching also. I have been treated for YI and have used several creams to alleviate the symptoms. I have mentioned this to my gyn several times, because it has been going on for over 2 years now, and it drives me absolutely crazy. I am hoping that you will get some more insight from others experiencing the same. If it is estrogen def., would this not cause menopause? I hope to figure out this mystery, just for the sake of my sanity! Thanks for bringing this up, it gives me a hope that it may be solved.
   — Cheri M.

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