Will an elevated sed rate prevent surgery from occuring.. or does

this depend on all the blood tests combined? I just had a repeat sed rate.. is greater than 60.. my sed rate on July 18 was 38 and on July 18 was 60.. now it is even higher.. Any answers will be greatly appreciated.. Thanks in advance..    — Gina Landers (posted on September 7, 2000)

September 7, 2000
Your surgeon will probably want to figure out why your sed rate is elevated. An elevated sed rate means that you have inflamation going on somewhere in your body. If the inflamation is happening in your digestive tract, it could effect your surgery. If the cause turns out to be something unrelated, your surgery would proabably go ahead as planned.
   — Lynn K.

September 8, 2000
I have had an elevated sed rate off and on for years. Noone has been impressed but me. No matter how many serious comorbidities I had not one doctor seemed to care, the least of whom was the surgeon. If the doctor doesn't have a problem with it, don't worry about it. I guess if the numbers were totally off the chart someone might have investigated this for me but it just wasn't a big deal (and sometimes my sed rate was over 60.)
   — Fran B.

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