2 months postop, painful crease where my waist & stomach meet

my waist is skrinking rapidly but here is the problem, whenever i sit or lay back, i have a crease where my waist and stomach (which was rather large) meet, this is very uncomfortable when ever i wear jeans (which i finally can) or even panties because they seem to sink into the waist area causing me much discomfort on my incision, will this eventually smooth out after i lose some more of my stomach? and if you have any advise as to what i can do or use to cut dn on some of the pain that is caused by this! thanks kim    — kimberly G. (posted on January 28, 2001)

February 3, 2001
I had the same problem. I am now 4 months post op and things are much better. I found that soft undies with a wide soft elastic at the top helped. I also tend to still shy away from jeans or anything with a tight waistband for extended periods of time. Not tight when I stand up but they seemed to get tighter when I sat(especially for long periods at a time,ie. like at my desk at work) Time seems to slowly take care of the problem as my skin & incision heal more and more. Good Luck
   — Tina H.

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