I already have a scar in the same spot...

I already have a scar from the breast bone to my belly button due to falling off a horse fifteen years ago and rupturing my spleen and having it taken out. I am curious as to how they will cut me... I am hoping they can maybe fix this one since my mom thinks my dr then had a very dull knife :( Anyone else have this situation?    — Renee D. (posted on February 20, 2001)

February 20, 2001
I had a VBG in 84, a c-section in 96, and an RNY in 00, all using the same scar. My bariatric surgeon made it look so much better! No problem at all.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 20, 2001
I had 2 tubal pregnancies and the second incision was in the same hip to hip spot the first one was. There was a problem with the first one and it had to be opened and packed for two months. Lucky me. I think you should discuss your concerns with your surgeon and ask if the scar can be made to look better. Best of luck.
   — sherry hedgecock

February 20, 2001
I also had a scar and my surgeon used it and made it look much better!
   — Lisa B.

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