Birth Control pills vs Lunelle Shot

I began taking the Lunelle Shot a few days before my surgery, Open RNY, on 5-15-01. Since surgery I have had milk leaking from my breast. I talked to the ob/gyn and she said it wasnt the shot. She checked my prolactin levels and my thyroid levels. My thyroid was fine but my prolactin levels were extremely high. She said that was why my breast had milk and that the high levels were secondary to the anestesia from surgery. She wants to check my levels again on the 14th of June she seems to think they will go down. But I am due for another shot of the Lunelle on the 8th of June. So I was just wondering if anyone taking Lunelle had the same problems and that I need to switch back to the pill? And if any one has had a problem taking the pill and not absorbing it correctly? I am just not ready to get pregnant yet I dont think it is very safe this soon. So any Help would be apprciated. Thanks Robin    — Robin C. (posted on June 4, 2001)

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