When can I do areobics?

When is it ok to start doing areobics ( low impact)? Is it ok to be jumping around 2 weeks post op?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 25, 2001)

July 29, 2001
I got info from a dr who does the surgery and their packet says "no heavy lifting or full aerobics exercise for 6 full weeks. There can be no driving....for 14 days. They can take walks and in fact are urged to take walks frequently during the first few weeks after surgery."
   — carla rosen

July 30, 2001
My surgeon allowed ONLY walking for the first 8 weeks. Drove me nuts because after three weeks, I wanted to start resistnce training. Full 8 weeks makes certain you are COMPLETELY healed inside.
   — Maria H.

February 23, 2002
I did very slow walking around my neighborhood after 3 weeks and after 8 weeks the surgeon told me to walk more. After 6 months I walk a great deal both around NYC and also 4x a week on a tread mill at the gym.
   — Morris M.

February 23, 2002
I think a lot depends on your size and what you were doing pre-op. My surgeon ok'ed me to do water aerobics as soon as my skin was healed (about 3-4 weeks)but told me to take it easy on any move that would use my abs. He releases you for pretty much any exercise after 8 weeks.
   — Barbi B.

June 27, 2002
I was able to do water aerobic three times a week at 4 weeks. I had no problems doing ab work in the water. Now I am at 8 weeks and continue the water and started lifting weights.
   — horse1

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