Need help regarding diet and rock hard stomach

I had an open rny on Sept 18th. I was to have a lap but, the doc said I have the thickest muscles he has ever seen. My weight seems to go up and down because my tummy is FULL of gas. I am trying to eat just proteins and lots of water. Today I took my kids to their doc and its looks like i gained 6lbs. and down just a total of 4 lbs. Last week I had lost a total of 10 lbs. I am very depressed. Am I missing something????????????? Help! Deb ps my incision is kind of bent and rock hard.    — Deb K. (posted on October 11, 2002)

October 11, 2002
You're not missing something. You are weighing yourself too much. It is too soon for you to see consistent dropping of lbs with no regaining. The gas has alot to do with it as well as the amount of water you are drinking. And the weight you are gaining is probably just water weight more than gas. You need to give your self a few months. I had so much gas and the pain was terrible. I took Gas X every day. Then one day it just left and I havent had any trouble since. My surgery was Aug 19th. I still gain & loose, gain & loose. I was open as well and actually had the lap done last year, June 13th with major complications. I spent a year without my intestines being attached to my new pouch, so for a year I could not eat or drink. Had to hook up to a nutrition bag every night. When the original surgery took place, I actually had 6 surgeries within 3 weeks to repair all the damage. So when I finally went just the past Aug for my final surgery to hook up the intestines to the new pouch, I had really thick, hard, scar tissue in there. My stomach now is so hard and feels really weird when I run my hand over it. I can feel all the scar tissue in there. I think that's why my gas is so bad also. I believe once more healing has taken place inside me and my body adjusts to its new way of working, I'll begin to loose again without regaining right back. Cause although I still have alot of gas, its no longer trapped in there for so long and giving me alot of pain. I dont have gas pain at all any longer. And try weighing your self not so often.
   — Karla K.

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