Will this serve as documented weight loss attempts?

I do not have documented weight loss information from a physician because I have always been embarassed to go, and when I did, they weren't any help. Instead, though, I have always kept a journal, and that does include my own attempts at weight loss, including products, calories, weekly weigh in, etc. I have Aetna NAP, and I wondered if that would fill that gap in my qualifications. Thanks for any help!    — Chris B. (posted on July 25, 2003)

July 25, 2003
Sorry, I know you do not want to hear this, but Aetna now requires actual Dr's medical records to verify its 6 mth dr supervised diet requirment. Here is a link to the actual Clinical Policy Bulletin #0157:
   — Tom Barton

July 25, 2003
I can say I have Aetna PPO the nurse at Aetna who is ahead of my packet for review states "dont care if its in your hand writing, I want DR chart notes documented you have been on a 6mo diet with excersise program...anything that states that with weight and talked about losing and also if you walk or excersise at your apartment gym or ymca whatever as long as your dr charts it GREAT" well now I am starting my 6MO again..and this TIME CHARTED!! i'm not wanting to be denied so going to do it the right way first. oh and make sure you have 5 years of MO weight charted also..they want it...thats what i've been going through these last few days..hope that helps ya.
   — por2geegurl

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