Isn't the large amount of protein required by this diet dangerous to the kidneys?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on August 11, 1999)

August 11, 1999
I haven't seen your "diet plan" and I certainly donot mean to be flip......but how much protien do you consume pre-op?? How much protien containing food do you think you will be able to consume post-op??? I would ask your doctor for further clairification of your concern. Because I know I ate a whole lot more protien pre op that I can ever consume now and my kidneys are fine. I think the problem that can arise post-op is that we donot consume enough liquid to keep our kidneys flushed. We are still supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I now that is hard for me now. I am 7 months post-op and I was a heavy fluid drinker before my surgery. Now I have to make it a concern or my urine gets very strong. I also have ahistory of kidney stones and I should be extra diligent. Hope it helps. Good luck
   — Wendy Sue D.

August 11, 1999
That would depend on who's diet you're talking about. Every doctor or center seems to have their own version. The formula I came across bases the amount of protein on the needs of your body at your goal weight. (Body weight x 10 then multiply by 12% and devide by 4)
   — Fran W.

August 11, 1999
Due to the restrictiveness of WLS, it is difficult to get in enough protien everyday. 60-70 grams is what you need in a regular diet. Getting that much in after WLS is hard. YOu must really work at it and pay attention to what you are eating. YOu will never be able to eat enough protein to do damage to your kidneys. It will be hard enough just to get in the bare minimum. Most people need supplements to get in the basic requirements.Good Luck!!
   — Donna D.

August 11, 1999
Hi. I know it seems like we have to take in a lot of protein, but before surgery we should have been eating 60 - 70 grams of protein. And we probably were it just wasn't our main concern. Whereas with this lifestyle change our main focus is protein. The average person should be getting 60-70 grams a day and that is what we need to get after surgery also.
   — Kathy K.

September 19, 1999
My doctor told me not to supplement my protein, because my kidneys would be working overtime trying to flush out the fat, and to add an abundance of protein on top of that would cause damage to my kidneys. I am now at a plateau, and am looking for some "tasteful" ways to get the protein I need. Any ideas? Thanks.
   — Lori D.

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