Aches and Pains. Has anyone post-op had sore muscles due to weight loss?

For the last 3 weeks, my elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles have hurt so bad I can harldy stand to walk, drive, or pick up my little one...has anyone else had this problem?    — E. W. (posted on October 20, 2000)

October 19, 2000
Goodmorning, Yes, I have had this problem, in fact, I have it right now. I am 2.5 yrs post op... down 225 lbs. Well, I just had my bloods done for my check up. I have low levels of Calcium, b12 and iron. I was wondering why my body hurt so bad, this is the reason. Have your doctor draw bloods, checking all your levels. You may find the answer. Also, there is a website called, it is wonderful! This site has a place that tells you what vitamins & minerals you need, What symptons of a deficiency are and what they do for you. Then it also tells you what foods best supply this vitamin or mineral. Good Luck Mary Anne
   — Mary Anne M.

October 20, 2000
Hi there. Well, I'm not a doctor, I just play one on the Internet, but I have a theory about the aches and pains. I have to use the pregnancy analogy, but here it goes: About a year after I gave birth to my daughters, I noticed a lot of little aches and pains in my pelvis and legs. I think what happens is when you are pregnant, or carrying a lot of extra weight, your skeletal system has to adjust to bear the weight properly. When you lose the weight, it wants to spring back where it should be, and this could cause muscle, tendon and ligament pain. I am sure the pain I had was due to my pelvis trying to get back to its rightful place. Eventually, the aches stopped. This time around however, I've relieved so much pressure off my knees by the time I lost 30 pounds, that they stopped aching then. Just my theory, but I like the idea of getting your labs checked too. Good Luck!
   — Allie B.

October 20, 2000
It is possible that your aches and pains are not due to your weight loss, but rather to the approaching colder weather that we are heading into. Sounds more like arthritis pain. Ask your doctor if there is anything you can take for it and see if that helps. Good luck!!!
   — SnowWhiteDove459

October 20, 2000
My hubby whom is 2 yrs post op, has had this problem, the biggest problem area is his butt, He was told the problem is, we,(im 5 weeks post op) are losing wieght so fast we also loose muscle, which leaves us hurting in certain places. The cure, keep getting your protein in! and exercise! At least thats what we were told. Hope that helps.
   — Tricee

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