Has anyone had or know of someone who had a small leak after lap RNY?

I have a friend who went in for lap RNY (PADDY, of this site) They found a small leak the morning after surgery. I know one person that has had this problem, and had serious complications. Her surgeon is keeping her in the hospital all week and says that the small hole will probably heal itself, but wants to keep an extra eye on it. Has anyone else had a similar situation, or know of someone who has? I am looking for some encouraging words to take to her in the hospital when I go to visit later today. Thanks in advance!!    — Kim B. (posted on May 23, 2001)

May 23, 2001
My husband had a post-op leak, serious enough that they had to reoperate on Day 5. But he's fine now. Had an extra stay in the hospital and scared us. But he did fine after the intitial scare.
   — vitalady

June 13, 2001
I am 4 weeks post-op and have a leak. It was detected a few days after I was released from the hospital. Since May 23rd I have had nothing to eat or drink (it's now 6/13). I have been on IV fluids and Nutrients and will probably continue to be for at least a few more weeks. My Dr. feels it will heal itself as well. The waiting is really really hard. My leak is supposedly small and at the staple line but it seems to be taking forever to heal.
   — Lauri M.

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