on 20mg.Celexa preop for past 8 mos..will being on it post op affect my weight loss?

I wish to go off my Celexa    — Susan H. (posted on October 15, 2001)

October 15, 2001
Hi, Susan I have been on celexa 60mg for over a year now,I am post op since 6-1-01 and have lost 84 pounds with a distal r-n-y. It has not hampered my weght loss at all.
   — Kimberly B.

October 15, 2001
I have been on Celexa for a long time also. I was on it prior to my surgery, and I'm still taking it. I'm almost 17 months post op and have lost 141 pounds, less than 10 pounds away from goal. The IMPORTANT question here seems to be WHY do you want to stop taking the celexa? Is it not helping? Do you have intolerable side effects? Is it a "thing" about not wanting to have to take medication to help with depression? Talk over your medication with your shrink or prescribing doctor. I know I have tried many many times to go off of my medication because I have thought "I can do this myself!".. however, I've always hit bottom again with a hard crash and gotten back on meds again. I'm just about done hitting my head on that brick wall and decided that medication is just something I need to keep myself functioning. Good luck.
   — BethVBG

May 26, 2002
Hi, I am the original poster and want to thank you all for your great replys. I am now 61/2 months out and stayed on my Celexa. I did have to increase the dose by a half of a tablet for a total of 30mg/day. I have lost 73 lbs so far and feel very good. I am glad I didn't go off my Celexa and it has not effected my weight loss. Sue H
   — Susan H.

May 26, 2002
I have actually started Celexa in preparation for surgery. I have a long history of depression, but I've been stable and off antidepressants (except for thyroid meds) for the past year or so. However, with the physical and emotional stresses of surgery coming up, I asked my psychiatrist to start me back on an antidepressant as prophylaxis. She thought that was a great idea. I'm taking 40mg of Celexa and doing fine. My surgery is scheduled for June 17th.
   — Tally

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