My Husband thinks.........

that if I loose ANY weight before surgry, that I would not have the major loss after surgery. My feelings are if the average wl is 100lbs,and I weigh 266 and want to weigh 130, then I should loose about 30 lbs before surgry to optimize my surgery. Am I wrong or is my DH. BTW My surgen said that it would help the surgery. Thanks    — Ruth S. (posted on November 5, 2001)

November 5, 2001
HELLO, you hubby's wrong!!! lol any weight you loose pre surgery is a bonus for the surgery it shrinks the fatty liver gives more room to surgeon and generally makes the surgery safer.. If you are able to drop some DO IT!!! it will be better for you all around
   — BBD

November 5, 2001
wrong!!! i agree ive read too many posts..and its healthier and has nothing to do with the "after"...i say the less you have to go the better...also some surgeons suggest a little walk every day to help tighten tummy mucsles.
   — Jackiis

November 5, 2001
before i answer your question i just wish i could slap in the face that anonymus... its incredible how people can be stupid when they are covered by an anonym status... <br> then as for your question... if you lose weigt prior to surgery it will just be easyer for you to recover and achieve a maximum weight loss to get to your desired weight. I myself decided to lose some weight before my surgery... i am down 25 pounds in... 6 month. I feel better and i cant wait till my surgery to lose the other 150... Good luck !
   — carou1313

November 5, 2001
Hi Ruth, yes I think that losing before surgery is definitely
   — Cheri M.

November 5, 2001
Me again, yes I think it is definitely a plus to lose before the surgery. And that is super that you are doing just that in preparation. And this is for 'anonymous': We all know that we can lose the weight, its the keeping it OFF that is the issue. If you are on this website, you should know that. Being discouraging does not help, especially if it is wrong. Good luck Ruth...keep losing!!
   — Cheri M.

November 5, 2001
I think that would be a good thing. The less you weigh on your surgery date, of course the better off you will be. I wish I had that will power. My surgery is in 3 days and I am eating til I'm ready to burst.
   — Dianne K.

November 5, 2001
Hi. I agree with the previous posters (except for anonymous LOL). Many surgeons require that you lose some weight prior to surgery. Mine didn't, but I can understand the reasons. One, like stated before, is to decrease the fat around your liver. I have also hear that another reason is that it will decrease the tension on your incision. If your skin is a tad bit looser, your incision won't pull as much and heal more easily. Good Luck to you...and know that every pound you lose pre one less you have to lose post. AND you'll be able to say that you KNOW you won't gain it back. I say GO FOR IT! You're going to do GREAT!
   — Nicole P.

November 5, 2001
HE IS THE WEAKEST LINK!!!!!!! Certainly if you can lose 30lbs. before the surgery that puts you 30lbs. ahead of the game...and at a mere 266lbs. (which is small for wls), that puts you wayyyy ahead. Other than that, there probably are no benefits to pushing yourself to lose weight now. As for the fatty liver...that probably doesn't apply to you, my surgeon says that's applies to people with extremely high bmi's.
   — [Anonymous]

November 5, 2001
My rny lap surgeon said any weight gain more than 5 or 6 pounds means no surgery yet. He has seen patients go --- wild and gain 20, 30, and even 60 lbs. Losing some is desired - makes it easier on you and ALSO THE SURGEON! And walk. That "anon"person that wrote earlier must be having "probems".
   — charlene M.

November 5, 2001
Thank You! Thank YOU! Thank YOU! I knew he was wrong! I am going to TRY and loose 30, but if I can even get 10 off I will be happy, the thing is with me I can go on a diet and gain weight. So I will really have to watch it. To the anon....I wish it was that easy. Thanks all! YOUR WLS FRIEND, RUTH
   — Ruth S.

November 5, 2001
You are very right in your thinking. The more we lose pre-op,the closer it puts us to our goal weight,no matter the amount lost.I started out in April after I got an approval to watch what I ate and started exercising,,I started at 315lbs and I'm now at 269lbs,surgery is on 12/10/01,and it is proof to myself that I am truly ready for this life change,not only physically but also mentally. You don't have to starve yourself,just start cutting out the things you know you cant eat later,and....EXERCISE,start now,just 15-20 min a day of walking will make you so much better prepared for the "aftermath" of luck to you,on your path to a new life and definitely for a laugh,drag your hubby w/ya on your pre-op quest to better health!!!! Jennifer

November 6, 2001
As far as the issue of fatty liver goes.I must tell you that I had fatty liver even when I weighed in the 170's. It has only gotten worse over the years and now my liver enzymes are the surgeon that says you only see fatty liver in patients with high BMI's is very wrong.
   — garyzgurl

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