My surgeon wants me to loose weight before surgery, he says the 1st place we loose

weight is in our liver. Has anyone heard of this before? Can we loose weight in our liver????    — Jeannette C. (posted on January 4, 2002)

January 3, 2002
My doctor requires the same. 10% of your excess weight. He said the liver is "dripping with fat" Losing weight before, shrinks it and allows easier access around the liver (don't want to nick that liver)He said he is able to do smaller incisions. He does 3-5 inch incisions on a RNY.
   — ZZ S.

January 3, 2002
My doctor also wanted me to lose as much as I could before my surgey.. He said my liver was way to fat! I only ended up losing 10LBS. He ended up having to make extra LAP holes in me to get around my liver..Good Luck.. Kathy
   — Kathryn C.

January 3, 2002
My doctor said the same thing. He explained that as little as a one or two pound weight loss would make it easier to get past the liver which is in front of the stomach.
   — Jeanne R.

January 3, 2002
My surgeon makes us do a 'liver shrinking diet" one week before surgery. It is basically the post-op diet. He explained to me that our livers are full of fat and by getting rid of the fat from the liver it makes it easier to get to the stomach which is behind your liver. Hope this helps you out.
   — Mustang

January 3, 2002
The first surgeon I went to wanted me to go on a diet and lose between 10-30 pounds prior to surgery. It was like a slap in the face. The second surgeon I went to was incredulous when I told him about the first surgeon. He thought that was the silliest thing he ever heard! It's been a year since my open RNY and I've lost 120 pounds, without having to lose weight in earn the surgery.
   — [Anonymous]

January 4, 2002
Weight loss prior to surgery absolutely affects the size of your liver and there is nothing at all silly about this. It's a medical fact. A loss of just a few pounds can mean the difference in being able to do a procedure LAP or having to do it Open. I coordinate a Surgical Weight Loss Program and our surgeon suggests that our patients try to lose a few pounds due to the effect on the liver. I'm sure your surgeon is not suggesting that you lose 50 pounds - just try to lose a few pounds. It's an easy, simple effort and can make a big difference in your procedure. Good Luck To You!!
   — ronascott

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