How long has your weight been stable?

I am getting cold feet. I would like more input from anyone who has lost the weight and have kept it off longterm and how your health is.......thanks so much    — Tina C. (posted on April 9, 2002)

April 9, 2002
I am 10 months post op. I know it's not real long term, but for someone 10 months out, I'm doing wonderful. No weight gain so far and I've been eating regular foods. I can't eat as much as before the surgery. My hair hasn't falen out, but thinned out. I went to my beautician this past weekend and she said my hair is starting to thicken back up again. My nails were brittle prior to surgery and I've had acrylic tips put on and now my nails have taken a growing spert and are beautiful. I don't have too much flabby skin (131 pounds down and 35 to go). I am looking for a new job and am more "marketable" than before and I don't regret having the surgery done! In fact, I would recommend it to anyone!
   — dolphins94

April 9, 2002
I had open RNY Jan. 2000 and have lost 140 pounds- all of it by April of 2001. I haven't lost or gain since then-until today- last Tuesday I had a abdominoplasty and today, I noticed a 6-7 pound weightloss from the apron that was removed. Because I held steady for a year, I was comfortable doing the abdominoplasty. If I had gained or lost any weight, I would have been afraid to spend the money. Trust me, this tool works! I have been doubting that it would work for me, even as I watched the pounds come off. I still wonder, but as I see my body healing, I feel thinner on a daily basis- it will work for you too:)
   — M B.

April 9, 2002
I am 20 months post op down 115 or so pounds. I stopped losing weight in July (11 months out) and have fluctuated 5 pounds since then. Everyone I talk to insists that 5 pound fluctuations are normal and even a bit of gain after the initial loss. I can tell you that it isnt so easy. I eat well 95% of the time and I still merely maintain. I need to exercise more. I can tell you this. The surgery can get you to a healthy state but it is very much up to you to keep you there. My father had this surgery in October of 2000 and now has gained 20 pounds (at least thats what he is admitting to). You CAN screw this up. It is up to you to reteach your body healthy eating and exercising. I have seen a few people on this site maintain wonderful losses for more than 5 years. But they are dedicated to success. Best of luck to you.
   — Jeannet

April 9, 2002
My weight has been stable since end of 1995. Surgery was 1994. My dh had surgery in 95, stable since 96. WE had the same surgery, same post-op nutrition plan.
   — vitalady

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