Question re preparing for other surgery as a post-op?

I have to have a laparoscopy on July 1 (gynecological--totally unrelated to WLS). The doctor says I have to have a fleet enema and two bottles of magnesium citrate the morning of surgery. As a post-op, does anyone know if we still take the same amount of mag citrate as a "normal" person or should we take more/less? The hospital also says I should stop taking my multivitamin 10 days before surgery because vitamin E thins blood. Anyone had to do this? I asked my OB/GYN about the magnesium citrate, but he didn't know. I haven't seen my WLS surgeon since January b/c I didn't have health insurance and couldn't afford to pay out of pocket and now I'm hesitant to call his office with these questions because I haven't complied with his monthly checkup rule.    — PT LawMom (posted on June 13, 2002)

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