
MY DATE IS 11/21/02 AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO PACK DO I PACK LIKE I DID WHEN I HAD MY BABY OR WHAT?? [email protected]    — Dia C. (posted on October 17, 2002)

October 17, 2002
Not much. I took something light to read, a nightie that I never used, slippers for walking in the hall, underwear in case your period gets kicked off by the surgery, minimal makeup to make yourself feel good, and listerine breath strips.
   — Cathy S.

October 17, 2002
#1 items are tongs and wet-ones..It will save you a lot of your pride..They are perfect to reach those private areas. At least one gown, robe, slippers, chapstick, panties, pads(gotta have your period), perfume(it did wonders for me to smell good). I wish you the best of luck on your surgery!!
   — Sharon1964

October 17, 2002
I agree...the most important items would be a bathroom buddy or tongs...and wet wipes.... I thought I wouldn't need anything, but boy was I wrong...luckily I was able to buy a bathroom buddy at the hospital..and it was a lifesaver for me....even when I got home it was useful for quite a while til I was able to bend more.....
   — Sandra T.

October 17, 2002
I suggest you take a favorite pillow, tongs,chapstick,maybe a puzzle book,the hospital supplies you with everything you will need, just ask them!!! good luck with your surgery, May God Bless You!!!!
   — bikerchic

October 17, 2002
Take a dress that doesn't touch your waist area for going home in. You probably won't be able to wear your normal bra so get one of those soft sports bras.
   — MARSHA D.

October 17, 2002
These are the things that I took and actually used: My own pillow, tongs and flushable wipes, chapstick, travel size shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, robe, slip-on slippers, deodorant, back scratcher,maxi pads, 1 set of loose fitting clothes to wear home, makeup (made me feel much better to leave the hospital looking nice), and last but not least.... a clip on fan! My fan was something I could not have lived without! Hope that helps. Best wishes and good luck for an uneventful surgery!
   — Laurel C.

October 17, 2002
If you bring nothing else, bring Chapstick.
   — Amber L.

October 17, 2002

   — Bernice C.

October 17, 2002
I took chapstick, my own pillow, toothbrush/paste,robe, slippers and a clip on fan.I also had tongs but they were too akward for me to use.The fan was my saving grace.
   — Tina C.

October 17, 2002
Only 2 things that I'm glad I brought, my own pillow and a FAN,FAN,FAN,........
   — paulsgirl

October 17, 2002
Many people will argue this point, but I was so thrilled that I took my onw nightgowns. I was able to start wearing them on Saturday after my surgery on Thursday (my IV was discontinued) and I was so much more comfortable in my nylon gowns than in the hospital gear. I also took, and I consider this a must, Carmex Lip Balm. Your lips will be very dry and I think Carmex is the best. Of course, I took the usualy toilitries: toothpaste, toothbrush, lotion, comb, bursh, etc. Because my surgeon requires that his patients shower every day after surgery I also took my hair dryer. Other musts were robe, slippers and my pillow. What I took that I didn't even open was a book, crosswords puzzle book and magazine. And I took gum because my surgeon doesn't allow anything by mouth for 36 hours, not even ice chips, but he does allow us to chew gum. Hope this helps. Open RNY - 11/29/01 -150+ pounds
   — Patty_Butler

October 17, 2002
Please check my profile...I listed everything I was taking and then updated it afterwards to show what I actually used. Hope it helps!
   — karmiausnic

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