Surgery is scheduled for 6/9/03 any advise? How long should I expect to be off work?

   — Christy P. (posted on May 20, 2003)

May 20, 2003
Christy: it pretty much depends on what surgery type you're getting. You can expect a quicker recovery from AGB, a little longer for lap RNY and a little longer still from open RNY. It also depends on the individual. I know that's probably not much help but it's such an individual thing.
   — antiques55

May 20, 2003
I agree with the previous poster.. it depends on your surgery type, whether you have an open or lap procedure, AND your ability as an individual to heal. Are you a diabetic? If so it may take you longer to heal.. and so on. Plus the type of work you do comes into play.. someone with a desk job might be able to go back as soon as 2 weeks after a lap RNY, but a warehouse or factory position may require more healing. Like choosing your surgery type, this is ultimately between you and doctor. Give yourself plenty of time in case of "What If's" and you'll be fine. Best of luck.. you are having your surgery just after my one year WLS anniversary.. it's a heck of a ride! ~Peace
   — Joscelin

May 20, 2003
It depends on the procedure. If you are having it done open (like I did) and your job involves a lot of physical stress, you should probably take about six weeks off. The surgeon that I had said three weeks unless your job is a real physical job, then take six. If your surgery is going to be done laprascopically, two weeks is probably ok, but as always, check with your doc just to be sure. Good luck!
   — Kris T.

May 20, 2003
Everybody is different. I had an open RNY and took exactly 4 weeks off. I have a sit down job and it worked out fine. I know of a gal that has a sit down job and she took 6 weeks off, that worked best for her.
   — Kim L.

May 20, 2003
I had open RNY and went back to work 2 weeks post-op with no problems at all. My doctor actually released me to go back 12 days post-op.
   — Patty_Butler

May 21, 2003
<font color="007000" face="tahoma">Christy~~Congrats on your surgery date! I had lap RNY 4 weeks ago today. I went back to work at 3 weeks. I could have gone back after 2, but it would have taken a week to get the doctors note. <P>My one suggestion for you... try to work on your abs as much as you can between now and your surgery date! I swear this is why I wasn't in very much pain at all! It just felt like I had done too many situps! Even doing a few crunches a day for the next couple of weeks will help! Good Luck! </font>
   — Wendy D P.

May 21, 2003
I'm taking a month off (21 work days). My surgery is scheduled for 6/4/03!! Yay US!! Aims
   — chickiewickie

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