Seeking Smoking Patients of Dr. Carter In Fayetteville

I need to know what Dr Carter in Fayetteville's requierments are for smoking prior to surgery. I was waiting for insurance to approve before I tried to stop smoking and now that I have approval I am afraid that my continueing to smoke may interfer with my surgery.I am not sure what Dr Carter's stand is on how far out from surgery you have to quit and since they know my voice I don't want to call. I have quit, almost, I have had 2 cigarettes in 2 days. I am trying to maintain the weight I am or lose and quit smoking on top of that, can anyone say STRESS? Thank you all for any response to this you have.    — S C. (posted on June 21, 2003)

June 21, 2003
Hon, I don't know what your doctor's policy is, but quit as quickly as you can. It will definitely be in your best interest, no matter what his policy. And, the sooner, the better.
   — Patty_Butler

June 21, 2003
Hi, I just wanted to first congratulate you on your attempt to quit and having cut back. That's really great! I can imagine how hard it is...I've been trying to cut out soda because of the carbonation and caffeine, and I can imagine it's very similar. I do agree with Patty that it's best you quit as soon as possible. My surgeon didn't say exactly when one should quit, only that she wouldn't performe the surgery on a smoker. The sooner you quit, the more chance your lungs will have to heal and the less risk you will have for complications during surgery. I know it's hard to quit and also maintain your weight while waiting for surgery, but please try! Also, is it possible you could have someone call the doctor's office for you to find out if there's a specific amount of time from when you quit smoking and when you're having surgery? Your husband, or relative or friend? Then you'd know exactly whether you need to quit cold turkey or can wean yourself off cigarettes. I know you're stressed, and I wanted to tell you that I have tremendous respect for you for trying to quit. I'll be praying for you for a safe, uneventful surgery and speedy recovery. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Moysa B.

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