I am 6 months post-op

I am 6 months post-op and have lost 122 pounds. Currently 176 from 298. I only have about 31 pounds to go until goal. When should I start looking into have abdominalplasty and breast lift,thigh lift? And how do I start the process? Thanks    — jenn5173 (posted on July 21, 2003)

July 21, 2003
My surgeon won't even consider the refferral until we are closing in on 2 years post-op. This is to ensure that your final weight has stabilized. Also, why have the work done if there is still some more to loose. If you want to have this approved by insurance, you need A LOT of documentation to prove a medical neccessity. Office visits for rashes, back pain, etc. There is a lot of information in this site regarding everything that people have gone through to get their procedures approved, but at the hospital where my Lap RNY was done, NO plastics post-op have been covered by insurance. Just a warning of what a tought road it can be. Good Luck!!!
   — kultgirl

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