Hey gang! know any doctors that do charity cases?

I have a friend that is grossly MO, probably in excessof 500# and NEEDS this surgery; she has no insurance and is a single parent; do you know of any physicians that would be willing to take on her case for free? she is willing to be a "poster child" if need be?    — Jean V. (posted on July 31, 2003)

July 31, 2003
I've heard a lot of reasons why this doesn't happen, but has she considered checking into state aid or disability? I wish her luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 31, 2003
I have read it posted before that medicaid pays for the surgery with proof of medical nec.
   — Kelli Miller-Freeman

July 31, 2003
Medicare and Medicaid will pay for the surgery if it is medically necessary. Have her check into either of those. I have both and had no problems. Nancy Lap RNY 6/25/03 down 42 lbs.
   — Nancy S.

July 31, 2003
You might also have her check about Rehab in her state. If you pass all the requirments then they will help as well. Good luck!
   — Angela P.

August 1, 2003
In know this probably doesn't help, but before I was married, my hubby didn't have any insurance, and he needed to see the doctor. The doctor suggested we talk with the "office manager", because sometimes they worked with people who didn't have insurance, at lower rates. Granted, this would still be a big expenditure, but better $10K than $30K (IF someone was able to even do that)
   — Karyn B

August 1, 2003
I was thinking what Karyn said, I was able to find a doctor who wasn't worried about his money, but rather his patients and was willing to work on payments (nothing down if you can believe it). The trouble came when it came to the hospital. They considered it an optional surgery because you can't prove you'll die tomorrow and required a SIGNIFICANT amount down before surgery. The hospital I was working with required 10K down (and every year that amount goes up). Also they require you to sign an agreement that you'll pay off the balance (no matter how high it gets) within 2 years. 10K is a lot of money. They suggested I see if I could get on state medical (I couldn't - don't qualify because of my age and not being officially disabled). I'd definitely check as others said on getting her on medical in your state. If not, there is always self pay, (many do including myself). I'm not sure if her health is good enough to attempt this outside of the country but for much less than that 10K you can have the RNY done in Mexico. There are also other countries that offer it but like I said if her health is extremely poor I'm not sure I'd travel far from home for this. Hope she finds a way.
   — Shelly S.

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