Do you take Vitamin E softgels???????????

When I was Pre-OP I always took Vit. E softgals 400 IU. I was very very seldom sick. In my mind this was a contributing factor.(maybe not)My question is will our bodies still absorb anything from this softgel before it passes through the body? Jane 03-04-03 256-172-140    — Jane T. (posted on August 31, 2003)

August 31, 2003
The outside of the gelcap is not a problem but there is research (somewhere on here) that says rny's shouldn't take oil-based meds. The oil doesn't break down. I know you will get varying answers on this but that is what I read. Good luck!!!!!!
   — Delores S.

August 31, 2003

   — Ali M

August 31, 2003
I had read somewhere that we don't absorb the oil form as well post-op so I did some hunting and found some "dry" vitamin E. It comes in the form of a capsule but I have just gotten into the habit of emptying the contents rather than take the capsule. Mainly because I heard we cannot break the capsule shells down as well anymore post-op, due to the lack of stomach acid our little pouches produce. Even though I have heard others say they take capsules just fine, I prefer not too. But anyway, I just take the powder with a swig of water to wash it down, no problem. Not to mention the powder is practically tasteless (thank goodness). The brand I found and liked is made by TWINLAB and I found it at GNC. I hope that helps. :)
   — Laurel C.

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