What is the deal with potasium??

My potasium has dropped twice to where I was rushed to the ER. I feel great after an hour, I have had to get an IV and a drink and I am back to normal. The problem is that normal is still not that much energy. The Dr. says wait till my next appointment and I will have more energy then ever, we are almost there and I still don't have it!!!! I even tried a b-12 shot and nothing. I am a mother of 3 active kids and by the time I get home I am wiped out!!!! No energy to do anything else. I need help on this quick!!!    — Deb F. (posted on May 14, 2004)

May 14, 2004
I'm three years out and still NO energy. I've complained for years about this and have had MANY blood tests. No one knows what is going on. I use to have B-12 shots, ONCE A WEEK (not once a week). That did'nt help ether. As far as potassium, I ended up in the ER twice that first summer for Potassium by IV. So I understand that. I was put on Potassium and still ended up in the ER until I finally took a NON time release pill. Sure wish something would help me with being tired constantly. I'm completly whiped out and have been for three years. I had more energy at 319 than now. It stinks. I'm still waiting (and probally will until hell freezes over) for all this energy everyone says they have since wls. Somehow it "bypassed" me. :(
   — Danmark

May 14, 2004
I am so glad I am not the only one with potassium problems. I was hospitalized about a month ago due to low potassium problems and just ended up spending an evening in the ER this past week with another bout of low potassium. I saw my doctor the next day and he has put me on a potassium supplement - I'm hoping that does the trick. Seems for me I start by being really light-headed and it won't go away. That's my clue that I need to get to the ER and get my potassium checked. But, sure is a pain - not to mention the $50 co-pay for each visit. I'm hoping the supplement takes care of it. We'll see. Best of luck to you. Kathy Open RNY 2/10/03 215/125 at goal
   — kathyb

May 14, 2004
I think the suppliment that FINAllY worked for me was K-COR tabs. Or something like that.
   — Danmark

May 14, 2004
I have the same trouble with my potassium level for some unknown reason (had the problem occsionally before surgery, but I really have to watch it since). My solution has been to drink a cup of V8 juice every morning (some varieties have as much as 700 mg of potassium in one serving--look at the label) and I take a couple of over the counter potassium gluconate tablets with my vitamins every morning, just for a little insurance. Haven't had a problem with it since January, so something is working. I had labs 3 weeks ago and the level was great. I know I should worry if I start to have palpitations. I don't have an energy problem, so can't help you there except to say keep taking your vitamins and other supplements! good luck.
   — Debbie B.

May 15, 2004
When we drink lots of water it flushes out our potassium and sodium. We were told, esp in the summer, (for you always) to use the Morton's No Salt. Its sometimes hard to get enough in with food only. It is ONLY potassium. You can put a tsp (650mg of only potassium) in a liquid and drink it down a few times a day for replacement. You can buy it by the salt section. You can use it on food too, taste like salt. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

May 15, 2004
For everyone with low energy - How is your iron? Low iron can really wipe you out. Just a thought!
   — Pambylah

May 16, 2004
My potassium is borderline right now. I'm on potassium pills to raise my levels. It's actually the diarrhea that causes the electrolytes and potassium to leave your system. I have felt VERY tired lately (B-12 has ALWAYS been fine) but it's due to the low potassium in my system.
   — Patty H.

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