Will I need abdominal support after surgery?

I've read on other sites where people recommend some kind of abdominal support that wraps around after surgery. They said something about it helping prevent the incision from opening...any info?    — mmercier (posted on June 11, 1999)

June 11, 1999
I requested an abdominal binder because I'd heard they help, but then I never really used it.
   — PollyAnna F.

June 11, 1999
My Doctor, Dr. Lirio in Schenectady, NY had me wear an abdominal support after both the initial WLS and the hernia repair w/ the tummy tuck. It helps with support as well as helping to keep the scars flat. After both of these surgeries, I show only pencil thin scars. My suggestion ... wear it! Good luck! Mary Anne
   — Mary Anne M.

June 11, 1999
My surgeon highly recommended against a binder. Ask your doctor what he suggests.
   — dboat

June 11, 1999
I was 516 lbs pre-op, and the surgeon simply stapled my incision. I had no binders or wraps and none were recommended. I wonder if these are only being recommended where there is some "tummy tucking" being done at the same time, such as on a revision where someone has lost a tremendous amount of weight already and has a large apron of tummy hanging.
   — Sherrie G.

June 11, 1999
This is one of my favorite questions that I get in our clinic. A abdominal binder appears to give some people a feeling of comfort after surgery; however, it really provides no more actual support to prevent any damage to your incision. I would suggest that if you have the surgery that you might want to ask your surgeon to try it after surgery and see if it makes you feel better for the first week when you walk.
   — Chris S.

June 12, 1999
I used a binder on a limited basis after an open RNY. I was 5'4" and 409 lbs when I had the surgery. I found the binder to be a little helpful at first when I had to sit for an extended period, such as the ride home from the hospital. I also found the binder to irritate my incision line some. It seemed to make the lower part of the incision sore.
   — Ken C.

November 3, 1999
I woke up from surgery with a binder on and I have not taken if off, except for showers and to adjust it. It's so comforting to have it on. Some times it gets a little uncomfortable, but then I just adjust it as I get smaller. I am only 2 weeks post-op.
   — Kathie S.

January 16, 2000
I asked for a binder after surgery. Someone on this site had suggested it. It felt comforting to have the extra support. However, I had a gastric tube and the binder irritated it terribly so there was more blood and fluid begin drained from the tube opening. The surgeon said that the binder was irritating it and reccommended it be removed.
   — marilyn J.

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