Do you have to drink water???

I am wondering if other sugarfree fluids are alright to drink in place of water? I know water is good for you, but is there really a big difference between water and lets say crystal light?    — Leslie B. (posted on July 18, 1999)

July 18, 1999
Water is the best!! It goes directly to your kidneys. Sugar free fluids must be processed before it can be flushed out of your kidneys. So if you can, stick with water.
   — Paula D.

July 18, 1999
My surgery was July 13th, 1999. They started me out with ice chips, water and Fruit Punch Crystal Light (many flavors available)at the hospital! I drink de-caf coffee, sugar-free Kool-Aid (many flavors available),de-caf iced or hot tea and in the evening I can have sugar-free Hot Cocoa! While I still drink lots of water, these drinks are a nice alternative. Also, eating ice helps that urge to "chew". Just don't drink fruit juice or sports drinks --- they are high in calories!
   — Jodie S.

July 18, 1999
Crystal Light is full of chemicals. It does not promote the cleansing of your system that plain old water does.
   — dboat

July 18, 1999
I started out with Free America, sugar free soda that I let get flat. By the end of one week at home, I found the sweet taste so disgusting, I didn't even finish the sodas I had bought. I drink only water right now, and only for the taste of it!!!
   — Deborah L.

July 19, 1999
Any calorie-free liquid is good. Sugar-free kool-aid, Crystal light, tea without sugar. Water is good, but if you don't like it, you won't drink it. As long as it is calorie free or extremely low calorie, drink it. The more the better.
   — Donna D.

July 22, 1999
Good idea to drink it straight so you can keep track of how much you're getting. The rapidi weight loss does things to us. I've had a kidney stone and a permanent urethra problem, thanks to my lazy water habits duringthe first year. I'd highly recommend that you drink the 2 qts of real water per day, PLUS the Crystal Light, s/f Tang, diet pop or whatever you're allowed. Water is water. I didn't listen & boy, am I sorry.
   — vitalady

July 23, 1999
water is always best but I have been instructed by my surgeon that crystal light, diet tea<iced or not>, diet soda if left to go flat before drinkng, and coffee with sugar substitute and no milk are all ok to drink....good luck!!!
   — Mona S.

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