Do people dump when they eat fruit? What about when they drink gatorade?

   — meme F. (posted on January 25, 2001)

January 24, 2001
I had a distal RNY in october. I am a fruit fanatic and do not have a problem with them. I usually have one fruit a day but would eat more if I could. My surgeon also recommmended gatorade if I do not get enough water in everyday. Again, no problems with dumping.
   — Jan M.

January 25, 2001
Gatorade was designed for athletes in very rigorous sports where you sweat a lot; football, basketball, etc. so it's super for electrolyte replacement, but it's also super hign in carbs and nowhere in protein. Try it. If the sugar bothers you, go to GNC(for example), and get a high protein/low carb drink instead. Don't expect to drink the whole bottle in one sitting. I can't tolerate fruit myself. It's not so much the sugar, but the G.I. effects; cramping, gas, etc. (Very embarassing when you're bench pressing at the gym. I try to do the "etc." before I leave home.)
   — blank first name B.

January 25, 2001
I an eat SOME fruits sparingly. I have dumped on over ripe fruit eaten too fast. Or from trying to eat a "fruit medley" in too short a time. Regardless, if there is enough sugar to make me dump, then there is enough sugar to make me fat again. The last time I looked at a Gatorade label, there was in excess of 6g per serving of sugar. My weight has held steady for years now by holding to the 6g rule, so personally, I wouldn't touch it.
   — vitalady

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