Should I sleep in a separate room post-op b/c of pet cat?

This question is for any of you animal lovers out there. I have a 10 yr. old pet cat, Skippy, who is kind of fat - he probably weighs around 25-30lbs. by now, so he is HEAVY! His nightly ritual is to jump on either my husband's or my stomach (whichever one of us is lying on our back), purr loudly & suck on the finger like he's a baby. It's so cute. Now after surgery (I'm scheduled for 5/21/01), I realize it won't be a good idea to let the cat walk/jump on my stomach & incision. I assume the only way I'll be able to sleep post-op would be on my back. So what do I do to prevent the cat from coming on me when I'm asleep? Should I sleep in the spare bedroom w/ the door closed until the incision heals? How long does it take for the incision to heal completely?    — lalasmommy (posted on April 1, 2001)

April 1, 2001
Have you considered WLS for your cat? LOL!
   — Allie B.

April 1, 2001
Alexandria, I know exactly what you're talking about. I have three cats; one is overweight at 15 lbs. (tiny compared to your 30 lber!). Anyway, they are all jumpers and one is a stomach/hip sleeper (my stomach or hip, whichever is higher!) When I had my hysterectomy and I was laying on the couch, my siamese Max would crouch on the arm of couch and "spring" jump on my stomach. Youza! My reflex was so swat him off. I had many of "flying" cat then. When I had my WLS I was ready. Whenever I sat or layed down I could keep a regular bed-pillow on my lap. That cushioned the blow. Also, when sleeping, I kept a pillow on my stomach and each side (you'll probably want LOTS of pillows). During the first month post-op I slept with a long body pillow, curling up into it pseudo-sideways (I can't sleep on my back). My cats curled around me (I still had many a hip-sleepers, but curing up around a body pillow cushioned my stomach and kept the cats off. Hope this helps!
   — Kristy J.

April 1, 2001
Hi, just wanted to add at first when i came home my Cat had nothing to with me because she was mad that I went away and left her for a few days, (Sam and His mother were at home so she wasnt alone) But she missed me, so when I came the door she greeted me than raised her tail and walked away, it took a day or two come near me, I think she also sense that something was different with her Mommy (Me) and she couldnt figure it. I walked with a cane, couldnt get up or down, seemed very doppy> She just watch me at a distance. she is a hip sleeper on my and I was concerned about this to, I just let nature take it course, reality Cats know when some thing is not right. She did. I also had a body pillow this was great for support and to keep her from bouncing on my tummy. When i was laying on the couch instead of her jumping on me she walk to the other end of the couch and jumped up and came up from the back side and put her paws on my hip like Mom are you ok and came I get on top of you now, which she did and when she got off she walked back down the back side. She didnt jump on me at bedtime either she just keep an eye on me though. Best of luck to you. I understand it also helps to talk to the Cat and tell him or her what is happening or going to happen to you. I know some of you people are going to think I am crazy but I talk to cat just like she was my actual child and they seem to understand. I only wish I could really know what they think......Good luck to you and i wish you the best....DREAMS DO COME TRUE FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVES
   — jay B.

April 1, 2001
I had 5 cats & 3 dogs when I had surgery. I know it sounds odd, but I let each one inspect the "wound". Not ONE jumped on my center body at all. The one who'd be most likely, She Who Must Be Obeyed, approached from the side only, and curled up gently against my tummy and purred. Of course, you rather tend to lie on your side, anyway. Your call, based on how the kitty acts when you get home. You may have to make an appt again for an interview, you know cats.
   — vitalady

April 1, 2001
I have 8 cats and 6 dogs. My boys as I call my favorite 2 dogs are a shepard and a lab, they sleep with me every night. I have 5 cats who sleep with me as well. The other 3 cats sleep with my hubby who gets ousted from the bed and takes up camp in the spare room. I have one cat who jumps on me, she's old and light but I like the idea of the pillow over the area just in case. The hardest part for me will be pushing the dogs off me if they come up. I figured the first few days I may have to have the boys stay out of the room. Thats going to be the hardest part for me. As you can tell I'd rather sleep with my pets, they don't snore like the hubby does. My pets are my kids.
   — Crystal B.

April 1, 2001
I have a dog and he likes to jump on my stomach.. when I returned from the hospital as funny as it sounds I showed the dog my stomach he smelled it and continued to come over every day o or so and smell my incision and never tried to jump on me... I really think he knew that something was wrong with me... now at 5 months out he doesn't hesitate to spring board off of me also during the first few weeks I would keep a bed pillow in front of me as a precaution..I could just envision my incision opening and my guts spilling out ...a nightmear ..... Kathy..Open RNY distal....11-1-00....-72pounds
   — Kathleen M.

April 1, 2001
I have two cats that sleep with me and follow me everywhere, but they don't jump on my stomach. The idea of the pillow sounds good though. Skippy sounds like he may need to have WLS surgery too! hahahaha I just luv big kitties though. Good luck with your surgery!
   — Betty Todd

April 2, 2001
My cat jumped right on my incision and split me open a couple of days after my staples were removed. YES! I RECOMMEND LOCKING THE CAT OUT! My cat learned to fly! LOL
   — Twila S.

April 3, 2001
My cats were <b>very</b> happy to see me when I got out of the hospital. I only had problems with one; he didn't seem to understand that my stomach is off limits. I just pushed him off. The other one learned very quickly and gave me no problems at all. The bottom line, I guess, depends on the personalities of your cats. BTW, I actually <i>hated</i> sleeping on my back post-op. I slept on my side for almost four weeks.
   — Suzanne B.

May 3, 2001
Hi...I am scheduled for Open RNY 5-14-2001, and I have the very same concern. I have six cats, and two of them are particulary notorious for climbing and jumping on me in the middle of the night. I suppose I will have to leave the cats out of the bedroom until I am properly healed.
   — Peter S.

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