Has anyone taken the Vita4Life multivitamin capsules at 3 weeks post-op?

Hi. My open distal RNY was on 5/21/01; This coming Mon. wll be 3 weeks. Anyway, I just recieved my Vita4Life order for the multivit. CAPSULES and they are much larger than I expected them to be. Now for the surgery I had done, they say I have to take a full packet of 12 caps per day, of course divided into 3 caps, 4X per day. I thought I'd give it a try. Well, I swallowed one cap. about 4 hours ago and it still feels stuck. It's 1:30pm now and because of that vitamin cap, I still haven't been able to take my morning medications (some of which are pills, but much smaller). My question is, is it too early for me to be swallowing pills this large? If not, then what can I do to get them down? One more side question - Do I have this correct that you can't take your Iron supplement at the same time as your Calcium supplement? If that's correct, then by how much time must you seperate the two?    — lalasmommy (posted on June 9, 2001)

June 10, 2001
Order the tablets instead of the capsules.. you can cut them in half or crush them.
   — X X.

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