Can I hear from any schoolbbus drivers that had this surgery?

I am currently a school bus driver. Although I haven't gone through this process yet, I am about to. I want to take a leave but I don't know how long to take one for. I know that everyone heals differently, but I would appreciate an estimated time from for me to go back to work and drive those big buses again. Also I would like to hear from my fellow schoolbus drivers.    — dainty (posted on July 14, 2001)

July 14, 2001
Hi Guirlaine, I am a school bus driver,I have not had my surgery yet,but I will be having a laprny sometime in Sept. My surgeon said I should be able to go back to work in about 3 wks. I was hoping to have it during the summer, but delays with paper work,has made it later than I wanted. I think with driving bus, unless you are on a very bumpy road it should be ok to only be off a few weeks,if you have an automatic,with auto doors, and if you can get someone to lift your hood for under the hood pre-trip checks,and have an air seat which you can adjust,most routes are only 2hrs at most and than you can rest between least this is what I plan to do. Good luck with your surgery.
   — Jennie D.

July 17, 2001
Hi...I too was a bus driver when I had my surgery. I was out for 2 weeks. I never had any problems. The only thing to take into consideration is if you drive for special ed or not. Good luck with everything and if you have any further questions feel free to email me at [email protected]
   — Michelle P.

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