what exactly is dumping?

what happens when you dump?    — rosemary H. (posted on August 19, 2001)

August 19, 2001
You'll find your answer along with many others in our Library. It's a wealth of info. Just look under "dumping syndrome".
   — Linda M.

August 19, 2001
Dumping for me is: after eating something containing too much sugar (even natural sugar) or too much fat, I feel weak, cold sweats, faint, nausiated and have to lay down & it sometimes goes away. Somestimes it doesn't and I will have dirrhea within 30 minutes. If I gobble my food I get the same symptoms, but then I throw up within 15 minutes. The first time I threw up I had to take a nap because it drained me of energy. Once you dump you'll be careful of what you eat. I WANT to have this just to keep me in check.
   — Betty Todd

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