I am 4 weeks post op, i have lost 25 pnds and stayed at that for the last

week.....could this be it for awhile? it seems a bit strange that i would be at a dead stop soo soon... also can i have some ideas for food choices at 4 weeks post op...i already have eaten chicken, fish, turkey, strng cheese, refried beans, cottage cheese and i think its all starting to make me ill now (thats what happens when i get stuck eating the same thing day after day) any advice ?    — Deanna Wise (posted on January 15, 2002)

January 15, 2002
That is kind of funny that you mentioned that... I did almost the exact same thing as you... got stuck at about a 25-30 lb loss for almost 2 or 3 weeks. I finally got off that slump, just to hit another one, and 40 lbs. From what I understand... your body will kind of "stall" at weights that it had previously been at for an extended amount of time... it can get really frustrating, but I found that as long as I can remember that I have never lost that large of an amount of weight so quickly...and will never see it again... I felt better... hang in will get past the hump, and you will just be in shock at how fast the other weight will come off... you'll be healthy before you know it! ;)
   — Marni R.

January 15, 2002
Hi- I am at 4 weeks, too, and was shocked to see that after losing 20 lbs the first week, I lost only 5 pounds for the next three! I was heartbroken, but my surgeon explained to me that it's not that unusual to hit a plateau so early and that, of course, every body is different. He also suggested that I am not eating enough and my metabolism has simply stopped and encouraged me to exercise, which I have been doing. I was crushed when I saw that I only lost 5 more pounds and I find little comfort in eating to correct it, since that's the last thing I want to do! Anyway, hope it helps you to know you aren't alone! Best of luck to you!
   — Kamela M.

January 16, 2002
I am almost 4 months post-op, and have had innumerable plateaus!!! They are so discouraging!!! I stop and start, stop and start, lol!!! Don't worry, you WILL loose the weight! I threw out my scales, I just weight at the grocery store (that I avoid like the plague), that has helped my self-confidence tremendously. It's nice getting on them only once a week or so and seeing that I have lost 3-4 lbs, it's even better when I forget to weigh myself on one trip and have lost even more the next trip to town!
   — DonnaCarol

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