Anyone have to go back for a sleep re-test?

Anyone have to go back for a sleep re-test? I had a test last night but only slept about 3 hours. I tossed and turned forever because I was uncomfortable with the setting and the idea of being watched while I sleep. I'm afraid that is not enough time to gather the necessary data.    — Lily C. (posted on June 29, 2002)

June 29, 2002
I had to go back for a retest six months after I started my cpap machine. My pulmonary doctor said I would have to be tested every few monthes after surgery, as my weight comes down. He feels I won't need it eventually. When I go for a study, I take my own pillow and really comfortable "jammies". I also ask for the same technition. After three sleep studies, it is almost like being with an old friend. Also, my sleep doctor ordered a sleeping pill the first couple of times (so ask for one). Carol Holmes
   — Carol H.

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