Anybody sweating MUCH more post-op???

I am 11 weeks post open RNY. Weighing in at 283. I realize it is 102 degrees, but I have not been a sweater since I had my first child 6 years ago. (Since then, I even need an electric blanket in the summer). I first noticed that I REQUIRED deoderant more frequently a few weeks ago (vs. every other day or so pre-op), now my shirt soaks, and sweat pours off my head. This is fine at the gym or something, but I am on business travel and walked on to an airplane with SOAKING hair. Please, someone tell me this is temporary!!!    — Karen F. (posted on August 4, 2002)

August 4, 2002
I can sympathize! I've noticed too that my deodorant isn't working as well, and that I'm sweating more too - the scalp, the feet, etc. It isn't horrible but definitely noticable. I'm trying to keep as cool as possible, wear breathable clothes, downing a lot of cold water (seems to help!), and cleansing very very well in the shower in the a.m. I'm also chalking it up to the very hot, hot weather we're having right now here in New England - it's been in the 90s for weeks it seems. =) Sarah
   — Sarah C.

August 4, 2002
Hi there :) Although I have blamed it on the heat, I must admit that my "degree" hasn't been working as well as it used to (I'm going on 9 weeks post-op). I have always sweat like a faucet, and I don't notice a difference in that category....but I do notice it with the under-arm oder. I'll have to do more experimenting first, because I switched to a roll-on a month ago and that might be the problem ( was on sale). I think I'll go back to the regular one and see if it's still a problem. (p.s...I'll let you know about the sweating part when I go back to work in September :)
   — Kelly C.

August 4, 2002
yes, I noticed it in the hospital that I would go from sweating to getting chills. back home I found that if I had something with sugar I would start to sweat which is part of the dumping syndrome. I had orange juice one morning and the sweats began, I asked the nurse about it and she said that if I had drank a little more juice I would have had a full dumping experience. So I stay away from sugar. my kids tell me that I smell since I had surgery, I take daily showeres, use deodorant. does anyone else have this problem?
   — jessica C.

August 4, 2002
Hi Karen, I haven't been sweating more but I am definitely having a problem in the deoderant area. I had asked my bariatric manager if this was common, and she said that she hasn't heard of it before, relating to WLS. But I am willing to bet that it does relate. I have been switching deoderants trying to find something that will work better. I now have to apply a few times a day to stay non-offensive. I hope someone can give us some insight. For the poster below: you are probably in ketosis. You are a fresh post-op and that is really common to have that ketosis smell. It will go away.
   — Cheri M.

August 5, 2002
What a great question. It is one of those I didn't even know to ask, but I am glad to know the answer, type questions. I too have experience incredibly different kind of BO since I had the surgery. I expected most of my sweating was from the summer heat, but the BO was so new and different for me, I could only attribute it to the surgery. I'd love to hear from some more longer term posties to see if this did infact change as they got further along on the ride. If this continues, it will be major life change for me.
   — Jeanna M.

August 5, 2002
Well just wanted to pass this on, when I was in the hospital the BO was terrible, my mom found me Lady Mitchem anti-bactrial gell deodrant, comes in a green container. This has helped a lot.
   — paulsgirl

August 5, 2002
Original Poster here... One more thing, there are days I don't pee at all. I can drink 100 ounces PLUS of water and crystal light -- literally drinking constantly -- and still not need to pee. I SWEAT that much. (Granted, I was at an amusement park and it was 95 degrees, but isn't this just a tad weird???)
   — Karen F.

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